Sep 19, 2010 00:39
The transfers are the best. Seriously I don't think anyone in the world knows me like Amanda and John do and I've only known them for 2-3 weeks. It is an intense amazing incredible unforeseen by any of us friendship we have.
It has been decided that while being promiscuous is fun...I am done with that life style. It is not really me which is hilarious that the people I know down here think that I basically use guys for sex and have no emotion towards them at all. Which with Sam ahahah well that is a hilarious story in itself but really I have tried to be emotionally cut off from boys because I DIDN'T want to feel anything for them..but I still like to have sex..
Me and the baker have been on awkward terms. We flirt make plans cancel plans flirt repeat flirt are awkward with each other. I haven't hung out with him since I have been back. Seen him twice at the market and talked briefly but that is it. Granted we have tried to hang out it just never works out with our schedules but the MOMENT I tell him friends from high school are coming to visit he wants to know all the details so that he can MAKE time to meet them and hang out.
It is really nice and surprising that he wants to know my good friends from home so well and is making the effort but..I find it strange that it is so fucking hard for me and him to find time to hang out with or without anyone else...Frustration.
This feeling of being 15 again and having a huge crush on some boy who with who it's up in the air if I will get him or not is insanity. Fun but insane all the same. Just when you have given up you it gets more intense. Fucking relationship bullshit and us trying to fight it. ARG
Baker boy= my focus now