Urban Legends 101

Jun 08, 2004 20:12

Also known as ...Oh my God. They're so freaking gullible!

Mum forwards a lot of stuff to me. I don't mind, at least she now removes all the forwarded addys from whomever sent it to her. THAT annoyed me, getting all those addys.

I get one today though, and it's just too much. It's this stupid email about how the Swiffer Wet Jet caused liver damage in a German Shepherd who had to be put down a week later because *gasp* there is an ingredient in the stuff that is ONE MOLECULE AWAY FROM ANTIFREEEEEEZE!!!!


Does anyone stop to think before they send this stuff on?

Never mind....of course not.

Snopes is a great resource for Urban Legend busting -- do your duty and stop ignorance in it's little pixel-byte-loving steps.

And of course it's not going to kill your pet to use the Swiffer Wet Jet. http://www.snopes.com/critters/crusader/swiffer.asp

There. Check it out yourself. Most of us are far more likely to kill ourselves using clorox and ammonia or some other "Everyday" cleaning compound under the kitchen sink! Liquid Plumber...now there is some nasty shite. Rat poison...hey if you want to kill a pet fast, you can do it, but not with the little thing that's for cleaning your floors.

So I sent it to Mum. Now I'm probably going to get back an email saying I shouldn't be so cruel as to disbelieve everyone.....


Elementary, my dear Mum....facts. The game is afoot as always, on the internet. Play smart.
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