And it's all Uphill From Here!... At Least, I Hope so....

Mar 14, 2005 21:46

Which FLCL Character Are You ?

brought to you by Quizilla

You're quite sarcastic and pessimistic, never keeping your hopes up incase they could be crushed. You'd rather spend your time alone or with a group of close-knit buddies than meet new people and do new things. You can be quite critical of others but you're also a very caring person. You tend to shy away from the opposite sex, however. Why?

In the Manga: Naota is a boy who doesn't know his place in the world. He's bitter because his older brother, someone he was very attached to, left home to go to America. Ever since Haruko came his life became chaotic and his life has been inflicted with more troubles he can imagine.
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