Samantha-is-blackmailing-me update

Jul 06, 2005 21:51

K, so here we have my update so I can get a new Layout. Reita has been Loyal, but Samurai Champloo Calls.

Lesee, lately my life has been weird.

I have a job. I work at Quizno's. There are some good, some bad, some interesting, some boring. I'll go over it later, when the attention span is more into the sandwich making talk.

As far as friends go, its goin pretty good. Bamboozled a bit, but other than that, good.

I might be half deaf now, cause of a damn roman candle. More on this when I learn more (or hear more, whichever).

Music Time.

Ive found a fond feeling for The Gorillaz.

Quoth The Steven:
Windmill, windmill for the land.
Learn forever hand in hand
Take it all in on your stride
It is sticking, falling down
Love forever, love is free
Let’s turn forever you and me
Windmill, windmill for the land
Is everybody in?

Who cant love that. That being the above. The above being the chorus to Feel Good Inc., which is on the Gorillaz new cd, Demon Days.

Which I own.

so nyah.


Last one I saw was Batman Begins. Good Flick. Ninjitsu is always fun. Especially when Liam Neilson is doin it.

Anime and Manga:
Peacemaker Kurogane and Samurai Champloo has engrossed me into discovering more about Fuedal Japan, especially the Shinsengumi.

Just a few places.

The Shinsengumi were the guys who, when Meiji came into power and started letting Europeans and Americans in, hated the idea. They wanted to stick with the samurai code, carry swords (which Meiji outlawed), and keep teh westerners out of Japan (mainly cause the only experience they had with them was 2 american ships and a british one blowing up three separate japanese castles)

Whats there to like?
The whole Romantic (not the whole lovey thing, but hte Romantic literature period) of the Hero fighting against all odds. The underdog you jsut gotta root for.

What there isnt to like?
They were the bad guys, kinda. They were like the confederacy during hte civil war in the states, only the wolves of mibu were much cooler. And they had a better slogan, nickname, cooler officers, and a better Ideal they were protecting.

In other words...

I heart the Shinsengumi.


as far as video games go, Im in a rut. I wanna do an rpg, but cant find one that keeps me interested. There are two out/coming out i wanna play

Samurai Western
Fu-un Shinsengumi

The latter jsut came out in japan, so I got a while.

So yes. More to come when I think of it and/or get a new layout XD

And If Time's Elimination
Then We Got Nothin To Loose
Please Repeat The Message
It's The Music That We Choose

-Gorillaz "19-2000"
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