Aug 16, 2005 00:23
In college I took a few pyschology classes and was intrigued by the study of "mental processes and behavior". Tonight, I was searching the net and decided to look up "pyschology articles" and found a site with various pyschology articles, self-help articles and articles written by actual diagonosed patients(?). As I browsed the selection of articles, reading the ones that stood out, it all gave me kind of a bad taste in my mouth. How are these self-help and awareness articles supposed to do any good. They make me feel like shit. What if our discoveries in pyschology are just no good, what if they are all wrong. I don't remember pyschology class being this stomach twisting. Maybe I just found all the wrong articles. How can people be so naive and hungry for other people to remedy their problems. I know I've felt the need for sappy help from others before, yet there comes a moment where you understand what helps and what doesn't. Maybe it's just me.
My notes from wordpad.
Self-help article for: Bipolar Disorder
(brief synopysis) Advice for those who suffer from being Bipolar, tells the bipolar how to 'maintain' themself by giving them instructions basically on how to live normal. "establish a daily routine, take your meds, eat healthy, don't drink or do drugs often" Elementry instructions and that's all!
Pyscho-analysis of oneself:
(very brief synopysis) A poem by someone diagnosed as depressed. More or less a poem, an article dressed with passion and darkness.
Narcissism explained by PHD:
Articles, FAQS from people who have declared their significant other, friend or whomever as a narcissist and is looking for professional feedback for how the narcissist will react in certain situations that they may confront the narcissist in the life with. The pyschologist replies to these internet explorers with very lengthy feedbacks. Also available on the internet, self-help articles from pyscholgists with topics on Narcissistic Mothers! Insanity.
Profile of a Pedophile:
>Pedo means "child" in Greek. Phile is a derivative of Greek, Latin, and French, meaning "love".<
An Article that describes the characteristics of a pedophile, the motives and how the pedophile makes the prey feel and just how the pedophile may reel it's prey in.
My self-help for everyone today is "Fuck it."