Apr 18, 2014 09:43
I've been struggling with my job a bit lately. I'm really trying to work through these feelings of inadequacy since I lost out on the internal job a few weeks ago. How can I grow my skills if I'm not given the opportunity? at least not in the area where I wanted to work...they've asked me to put together a training on customer service (which I've never done before) which is a great challenge, and it's definitely a "sink or swim" exercise. I'm just trying to keep swimming!
For the past two weekends I was able to go visit with my Middle TN family. Dear lawd, I love those people! The first weekend was to take the oldest bean on a choir trip with her group. We stayed one night with my Uncle and then he and my Aunt drove up on Sunday for the church service. It was so good spending time with just them, because usually when we go up it's ALL the crazy cousins, and there's A LOT of us. The second time it was for my Great-Aunt's memorial service. She was the last surviving sibling on my paternal grandmother's side, so I felt the need to go and be there for my dad, aunts and uncle. That's where an even larger contingent of the family showed up and I got to snuggle babies, and hear lots of great stories. My dad and uncle shared some of their memories; it was funny, poignant, and made me cry. I call it a win anytime you can get a room full of elderly folks to crack up at my Aunt's antics, and there were plenty to share. My Aunt Eunice was definitely one of a kind, and she will be missed.
The younger bean has her 6th birthday coming up...What?! Party planning is not my forte. Thank goodness she's such an easy laid back kid.