No advertising for the second series of Sherlock? I almost missed it if it weren't for my friend and her mother. And I really hope you don't have the US cut.
So I pretty much need to go watch Thor now. Aside from the knowing a doppleganger of Chris Hemsworth and being fond of Norse mythology (Hawkeye (and is that ever an odd name to type in reference to a male character) should have an arrow made from mistletoe and when they imprisoned Loki they should've dripped venom into his eyes) the brotherly angst between Loki and Thor is really interesting. Also, Nidhoggr on the strap/buckle things makes me want to see what other parallels have been made to the Eddas.
Loki's kind of darling to have placidly waited for his brother to finish duking it out with Captain America and Iron Man. The hairsprayed swoopy thing going on with his hair, theatric speech and general wimpiness (the cliff! the crater!) kind of makes him adorable. You so obviously want to be a big bad, but the best you can do is pull pranks on people. fuck, I swore not to like you
Also, I need to watch Iron Man 1 & 2, since Tony Stark's snark is fun.
So art nouveau is apparently alien architecture now. This means interesting thoughts concerning what happened in the late Victorian period.
Characters whose fighting styles I liked: Black Widow, Hawkeye. Captain America, because the way he uses that buckler, unf. Tony Stark, because I do appreciate cleverness in battle.
And fuck all the people who said Scarlet Johansson was simply eyecandy. Did they not watch the last battle? There were two people responsible for the aliens dying and the portal closing, and her character was one of them. (Have I mentioned that I like intelligence in fighting? Because I do. Also, she fought dirty, and I rather like that too.)
One last thing, Fury's speech at the end, about how the Avenger's would get together again to protect the Earth from any threat? Needs to be combined with the Doctor's speech to the Atraxi about how Earth is protected. Which I'd be tempted to do myself, since all the appropriate action shots are in the trailers.
ETA: Other things that would've made EXCELLENT crossover points - that aircraft carrier, is its name Valiant by any chance?
Also, where the hell were Meg Murry and Calvin O'Keefe and family? Because tesseract. They know how to deal with these things. Especially if those things include aliens. In my head, Madeleine L'Engle's Kairos-verse, Young Wizards and Doctor Who are all compatible with each other. With the Kairos-verse adapting to YW and DW rather than the other way around.
this gif prompted me to post
this picture underneath it on tumblr, because combining Pinkie Pie's "Okey dokie loki(e)!" with Loki is hilarious and there should be more of it.