I saw it.
Somewhere, there is a very unhappy Dream wondering what the hell is happening to his realm. There also needs to be more
crossover fic with HOLiC as well as stuff exploring thaumaturgical architecture/architectural thaumaturgy and the Khloidanikos (from the Doctrine of Labyrinths series).
It was not that confusing. I survived and manage to help map out a timeline for Tsubasa. Inception is... comparable, but doesn't involve nearly as many stable time loops or paradoxical almost incestuous relationships. Um... it may have also helped I went expecting it to be "IT WAS ALL A DREAM" and thus it was a bit less than what I had expected.
Cobb needed/needs therapy. I was expecting the children to be older. I was also expecting Mal to have died while dreaming.
Very relieved that Ariadne (and isn't that a lovely reference-filled name) didn't become The Love Interest. She also almost gave Cobb slaps around the head, which he needed.
I was expecting Ariadne and Cobb to have been taught things in regard to pyschology. This is not true, but again comparable.
Architecture is like genjutsu. And Ariadne could've always become a writer with a twisty imagination like that. (Third option FTW.)
All the dreams were kind of like Amy's Choice. That was cool.
Eames and Arthur were awesome. Also, waistcoat!porn.
I find the end suspect.
I too, would also buy this movie on DVD.
Also a very odd movie if you can, or have ever, lucid dreamed. You find yourself mentally shouting at the screen about denying the situation and just willing a change.
The sensation of exiting a dream is also more like falling [into a black hole and becoming infinitesimaly dense], not falling prompts the exiting of a dream.