Lace trimmed scarves Ruffly umbrellaI want to do this. When I get an umbrella that isn't plastic. Isn't it the cutest?
Button broochesYay, something to do with the buttons in the button tin. Even though I don't have any really pretty shank buttons. (Unless kitties count.)
Not a specific tutorial link, but a blog's tag for 'dolls' and awesomely cheap ways to make clothing and accessories for dolls. (The dolls the posts are written for are American Girl style dolls, but dolls are dolls, right?)
And that is it.
ETA: Except
this is a rather fascinating photo. You can see a fake tooth!
Also, 'x-ray kissing' sounds like the name of a band.
My feet are still recovering from this last week in the bistro at course. Spending four days in which 6-7 hours were spent on my feet has convinced me that I really do not want to do restaurant work.