in which Chloe has good news, is further embarrassed by her mother and comments on Torchwood 2.9

Mar 12, 2009 00:01

The good news is I have my camera at long last. I have already mastered some of it’s functions. Now I just like, need to actually know what I’m doing. (Yeah, that photo I’m going to take of my dad for his blog/webpage? He’s going to have to tell me that trick so his nose isn’t huge.)
This means I should also take all of the photos I took with the family camera off the memory card.
It also means I should run around the neighbourhood taking pictures of everything.

Me being embarrassed by my mother happened halfway through Torchwood and consisted of her cooing over said new camera and asking if she could use it. *headdesks* (For background info, my mum is an aspiring TradeMe (Something like New Zealand’s answer to eBay) photographer and is pretty much doing everything in her power to get better. Which is a good thing, but not when she’s trying to gain the use of my camera.)
That being said, it IS shiny. (And whoot! My dad used to be a photographer so he can give me advice!)

Anyway, tonight’s episode. I will leave out my mum’s inane comments, especially those aimed at Captain Jack.

Fluoro pink thongs do not suit anyone. NO ONE AT ALL. THIS APPLIES TO OTHER COLOURS AND CLOTHES TOO.
But mostly fluoro pink thongs.

Ummm… there were a lot of Welsh accents going on.
Well, I assume they were Welsh, I’m not good with localities of English accents unless it’s Cockney, Northumbrian or BBC. I think even Gwen’s was stronger than usual. (Which is kind of understandable, but it was still rather overwhelming with its Welshness.)

Ianto provided endless amusement! I believe several of his better known quotes derive from this episode (“I was taught not to speak of the dead-”, the dad being a tailor one) except no one ever mentions the “by midnight we're the wedding fairies” one. Which is pure awesome.
I did feel sorry for him in the bridal shop though. Though he SHOULD’VE said that his friend was unexpectedly pregnant and needed a bigger dress than what was planned for. Probably wouldn’t have averted strange glances, but at least it doesn’t sound like a bad excuse.
Tosh also gets an awesome line too, about her being allergic to bananas. Actually, the entire team gets to be awesome, yay! (Well, except for the fact that Torchwood policy apparently doesn’t include rabies or contraceptive shots after someone gets bitten.)

The mothers squabbling was amusing. So, so amusing and made the bit at the end even funnier. And please tell me there’s crack!femmeslash of that. Please.

In a more general comment about the episode, even though I could see what was coming (and well, I did know that some of it was coming) it was still hand-flap worthy. And mother-making-comments worthy.
Nice pacing too, unlike last week’s episode, except towards the beginning when everything starts.

And… it had epic UST again. Like ‘Meat’ it had jealousy!UST between Capt. Jack and Rhys. It was a bit tamer here though, as I think Rhys has the “can’t blow up at this guy who saves my girlfriend/wife’s ass on a regular basis” thing down pat.
It was toned down even lower when it was about Gwen, although it tasted a bit too strongly of the posturing that always leads to slashing in shonen manga. You know, the kind that gets IshiIchi shipped.
I feel sorry for Rhys though, as Capt. Jack got the higher moral ground and ‘won’ when he said the hero gets the girl and gave him Gwen. Declaring that when there’s a girl involved means you win and if narrative pathways are in use, you get her anyway.
I still kind of really, really want to ship any three (or four) of Ianto, Capt. Jack, Rhys and Gwen though. I kind of really do. (Well, maybe not Capt. Jack/Ianto/Rhys, even though I could see some epic Rugby/piggy-in-the-middle/Lucky Luis joke going on. Can’t quite see Rhys/Gwen/Ianto either, and can’t come up with something that I could see happening.)

But Rhys is so nice and I don’t think he could handle someone like Capt. Jack. Do wish to see more of him in this new series though. Go kick-butt Rhys!

(Alack, it seems as if I’m fangirling EVERYONE in Torchwood now.)

OH GODS. It annoyed me so much when Gwen's mum said about the 'baby' that it was 'God's gift'.
Am I missing something in my British history? I'm pretty sure Wales was incorporated, more or less, by the time the great religious upheavals of the Tudors came around.
I'm pretty sure also my dad's family in England wouldn't use such a phrase, but perhaps we're a weird family. (My grandmother did marry twice and the second time to a man a bit younger than her, so perhaps that's why? She was also a Londoner and very independant, so maybe that's why also?)

I know that England as a whole goes to church more than New Zealanders and I'm sure that a lot of New Zealanders say that anyway but that phrase annoys me so much. Yes, it's a miracle, but it's a miracle of statistics and biology.

life, commentary, entry, torchwood

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