icons and ramble

Sep 23, 2009 20:04

[01-16] Alles was zaehlt (okay, okay, one's from BB but it's still Igor so it counts, y/y?)
[17-52] Casualty
[53-68] SCD: Calzaghe&Kristina

[credit is nice but ngggh IDC]
[no hotlinking or i'll beat you up]
[editing is fine, as is requesting I'M NICE AND WILL ENABLE YOU AND YOUR SHIPS]
[commenting to suggest a portmanteau for JoeCalzaghe/KristinaRihanoff ship is VERY MUCH APPRECIATED. Calzina? KrisCal? JoeK? CalRih? CALORIE? OMG.]

Alles Was Zaehlt















Strictly Come Dancing: Calzaghe & Kristina




ALSO, I KNOW THIS IS WRONG AND EMBARRASSING, but I'm shipping the Hairy Bikers. I've been shipping them for a while because they're adorable and like two little hedgehogs snuffling around <3333 BUT OMG TODAY'S EP:
First, HB1 basically called HB2 his wife. Then, HB2 said, AND I QUOTE, "I remember tasting my first salami and thinking this is the best thing I've ever tasted." AND IF HE WASN'T TALKING ABOUT PEEN I WILL EAT MY HAT. And I refuse to believe that in ~20 years of friendship they haven't got it on ONCE. So yes, hullo thar.
First person to write me Hairy Bikers RPF (or direct me towards some) wins my heart and soul.

ETA - HOLY EFFING ESS the very first result when Googling "hairy bikers slash" is THEIR OWN WEBSITE. OMG.

+The sugababes drama is exciting AND I WANT KEISHA/MUTYA/SIOBHAN REUNION PLS. Add to that Robbie's magnificent single (God save me rejection from my reflection. I want perfection. Jesus didn't die for you YES<3333) and I am a very happy chappy.

Dear GoogleLluniau,
When I seach for Kristina Rihanoff I'm really not looking for Christina Aguilera. Plis stop bombarding me with pictures of her, kthnx.
Love, me.

Also, I hereby promise to actually write something that doesn't end up as a porny youtube comment. Shelly, I hope you will aid me in this by not tempting me with Axel-having-handjobs comments. OR ONES ABOUT ANNETTE.

icons, rps so obvious its practically reality, !casualty, beautiful dancing, !alles was zählt

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