,,2055148,00.html Blair blames spate of murders on black culture
Black community leaders reacted after Mr Blair said the recent violence should not be treated as part of a general crime wave, but as specific to black youth. He said people had to drop their political correctness and recognise that the violence would not be stopped "by pretending it is not young black kids doing it".
Giving the Callaghan lecture in Cardiff, the prime minister admitted he had been "lurching into total frankness" in the final weeks of his premiership. He called on black people to lead the fight against knife crime. He said that "the black community - the vast majority of whom in these communities are decent, law abiding people horrified at what is happening - need to be mobilised in denunciation of this gang culture that is killing innocent young black kids".
Mr Obunge, who attended the Downing Street summit chaired by Mr Blair in February, said he had been cited by the prime minister: "He makes it look like I said it's the black community doing it. What I said is it's making the black community more vulnerable and they need more support and funding for the work they're doing. ... He has taken what I said out of context. We came for support and he has failed and has come back with more police powers to use against our black children."
Keith Jarrett, chair of the National Black Police Association, whose members work with vulnerable youngsters, said: "Social deprivation and delinquency go hand in hand and we need to tackle both. It is curious that the prime minister does not mention deprivation in his speech."
Lee Jasper, adviser on policing to London's mayor, said: "For years we have said this is an issue the black community has to deal with. The PM is spectacularly ill-informed if he thinks otherwise.
"Every home secretary from [David] Blunkett onwards has been pressed on tackling the growing phenomenon of gun and gang crime in deprived black communities, and government has failed to respond to what has been a clear demand for additional resources to tackle youth alienation and disaffection".
The Home Office has already announced it is looking at the possibility of banning membership of gangs, tougher enforcement of the supposed mandatory five-year sentences for possession of illegal firearms, and lowering the age from 21 to 18 for this mandatory sentence.
Answering questions later Mr Blair said: "Economic inequality is a factor and we should deal with that, but I don't think it's the thing that is producing the most violent expression of this social alienation.
"I think that is to do with the fact that particular youngsters are being brought up in a setting that has no rules, no discipline, no proper framework around them."
Mr Blair is known to believe the tendency for many black boys to be raised in families without a father leads to a lack of appropriate role models.
Disgusting. White people kill so much stuff, so many people--look how many people die because Blair shoots up Iraq, and we don't say that's part of "white culture". Well now I will. Look at what happened to the Middle East, the Americas, Australia, Africa---WHITE CULTURE. And white people aren't socially alienated or worse off economically--they just really like killing and exploiting people. Oh wait its not because of social alienation or poverty it must be because some black kids don't have fathers, lets increase minimum sentences. More black kids in jail = problem solved. Thanks whitey, how would brown people be able to manage their own culture without you. Someone should give you a medal. They should make a new award for the person who does the most to improve the social conditions of POC, and name it after you, it will be called "the Blair".
The UK has banned AA or integration measures aimed at POC--good thing they don't mind police action measures aimed at brown people--dont want to be POLITICALLY CORRECT. lol.
Today I marched around with signs around the U of M /w BAMN. Then I stayed behind and ate some GREASY ASSED pizza and we shared some with a homeless guy with a Bible in his pants. Now I'm going to go watch a movie about Hawai'i. I got all week off. Nice as hell, I'm not sure what I am going to do next. I just take one hour at a time.
Damn I need to change my "vaugely insulting icon"--it was hilarious last night, now its just dumb.