Hey guys, I recently gotten into The Office and am in love with Jim Halpert/John Krasinski. I would love to become friends with people who feel the same way I do. So please copy the info below and fill it out!
(sorry, I don't know how to make one of those scrolling boxes, if anyone would like to tell me how, that would be great!)
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Location: North Carolina
Fandoms: The Office, The Beatles [my main fandom I guess, if it counts], Monty Python.
[I don't watch a lot of tv]
Ships from The Office? (ex: Jim/Pam, Dwight/Angela): Jam, Dwangela [Although Andy's cool. I hate that Angela's doing that to him], Michael/Holly [is there a name for them yet? Molly? lol]
Favorite Jim moment: SO MANY. hmm... probably when he comes back to ask Pam on a date [The Job].
Favorite Jim Prank: Either "Pavlov's Dwight" [as I like to call it] or the vampire one. But I also love the vending machine & Andy's phone & "Future Dwight"
Favorite Office episode: Once again, hard to choose. Right now, Health Care, but that's subject to change.
Favorite Jim Quote: Don't have one. Quotes I like usually involve random things Dwight says & Jim's reaction so it doesn't work as just a Jim quote. Most memorable right now is "Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica." but it's so cliche.
Anything else you want to tell me?: Not really. I don't talk about the Office that much in my journal, it's ( ... )
Loved that moment. Victory for Jammers!!!
That is DEFINATLY my favorite prank! It's so great! Pavlov's Dwight is the best! The vending machine is a close 2nd...Andy's phone is #3
Health Care is the best from season 1! hands down. I laugh so hard when Jim throws the keys and when he throws the ice cream sandwhich at the window
oh yeah...I'm in TN (like right in the lil' point. We're neighbors!
"Workspace." lolz. <3
I added you back! Yay, neighbors! =D
[And I srsly need to make an Office icon...lol]
I agree about Andy...no one deserves that "not even Jim's worst enemy" ^_^
yay for adding! =]
haha, I'm camping (we only live like 30 minutes from the campsite, so I'm here online while mom is "getting things we forgot" so I'm probably going to be making a few office icons. They're so addicting. But I mostly do only Jim/John ones 'cause he's so wonderful!
I watched that episode last night and again just now getting ready to leave! It one of the best ever!
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