aka, my new favorite actor.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/scarlett-johansson/the-skinny_b_186233.htmlI really appreciated this response, too. It reminded me of my days as a nanny, when a four-year-old girl turned to her full-time nanny and asked, "Does my butt look fat?" FOUR!
"Nice job, Scarlett. As a mom of two young girls this is an issue close to my heart. Last summer, I heard my stringbean 8-yr-old say to her friends "You know, I need to lose a few pounds". They were all putting on swimsuits in her room, and as I walked by and heard this, I had to just keep on walking to my room, sit down and breathe. I have battled anorexia for twenty years, and I am vigilant about weight/body-image bashing. My husband is, too. We don't have cable, have one TV on which we watch movies and PBS (kids' friends think we're SO weird). We don't read tabloids. My point is this: the body-image craziness is so pervasive that even very protected girls are learning it. I finally did go in that day and talk to the girls about healthy weight and differences in genetics, etc (one friend is heavier than the others, but super-athletic and a fairly healthy eater). They know about my struggles, and I make sure they see me exercising and eating well every day. I also think it's important to make sure they see me indulging from time to time, and really enjoying good food. I think you got it just right; the balance has to be there along with realistic expectations and also the realization that most people in magazines are working pretty hard at it."