Sep 04, 2008 09:02
I generally dislike discussing politics. I get nervous about my lack of research. There is just a lot to know and, no matter what any candidate says, I can't shake the feeling that by the time anyone is placed under the spotlight he is already ruined. He has already been fitted with all of the necessary strings and has become blissfully apathetic in regard to the people pulling those strings. It is difficult to know what any candidate really thinks or feels about anything. They open their mouths to speak, but the content of their speeches is garbled by all of the gold coins stuffed in their cheeks. That's how I feel.
My friend told me that her three-year-old son saw the cover of Rolling Stone with the cartoon of W riding the Republican elephant. He exclaimed, "Look, Mommy! There's a monkey on an elephant!" You said it, kid! A monkey on an elephant in the middle of a big, freaking circus!