Vidder: Loki
Title: Until The Stars Burn Out
Song: Ezio's Family
Artist: Jesper Kyd
Warnings: spoilers for STID.
Category: general
Characters/Pairings: Kirk, Spock
Summary: "I have been and always shall be your friend" goes both ways.
Length: 3:16
YouTubeA/N: This is extremely cheesy and extremely self-indulgent video probably without any plot or sense whatsoever /o\ But it was fun anyway. Hopefully will do something like that again, especially when the new movie comes out on DVD or BluRay - sorry for the bad quality of "STID" here, I just couldn't not use it :3 And sorry Assasin Creed fans! If there are those out there. Didn't mean to mix all of the things like that, but, again - couldn't help myself :')
Hope you like it! :)
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