500+ watchers! + request post

Jun 20, 2012 16:41

First of all, thank you all 500+ so much for being with me on this ride, for watching my work, commenting and just being here. It's been a pleasure, almost 3 years of fun, and I still feel like I can go a few more years. So in order to somehow thank you, I'm gonna do another round of requests!

A few simple rules just to keep this in order:

I can make for you icons, headers, walls, gifs, friends only banners, any other banners; small fanmixes (EPs, ~5-7 songs).

As this time the number is pretty big, first 5 people to comment on this post will get the chance to ask for a ~1 min vidlet. Note that you need to watch this comm to participate :)


- link a picture(s) in the comments - better if it's high quality;
- tell me what you want:
  • 3 icons
  • 1 header (possible variations)
  • 1 wallpaper
  • 1 gif (icon or any other size)
  • 1 banner (possible variations)
    - tell me what size you want (icons are 100x100, so it's about banners and walls);
    - tell me if you want colors or black & white;
    - tell me if you want to share your goodies or not.

    For fanmixes (choose either):
    - tell me a theme
    - tell me a character
    - tell me a pairing
    - tell me the name f the show/movie in general
    - tell me whatever else you'd like your fanmix based on.

    For vidlets:
    - tell me a character
    - tell me a pairing
    - tell me a theme (in a show/movie)
    - give me the title of the song you'd like to see a vid for
    - give some general info (i.e. if you want a slow paced vid for an instrumental song or a fast paced vid for a rock song, etc.)

    Supernatural/Supernatural RPF (the main one), White Collar, Suits, Chuck, Dark Angel, Merlin, Fringe, The Vampire Diaries, Covert Affairs, movies (if seen).

    - make what you requested, taking as much time as I need for it.

    The deadline for requests is July 4th, whether or not all the spots will be taken by then, as I'm not sure if I have free time before that. After that deadline I'll start working on the goodies! =)

  • ! comm

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