So I'm sitting at a coffee shop, looking up fun and exciting things online to add to my Amazon wish lists (seems to be a popular way for me to de-stress these days), when I added the movie "Waitress" to my list, and thought to myself, "Nathan Fillion is definitely the hottest man alive." Which, of course, made me think that I should put together an official list of the hottest men alive.
1. Nathan Fillion (hot in everything)
2. David Boreanaz (hot as Angel)
3. David Duchovny (hot as Mulder)
4. George Clooney (hot in everything)
5. Max (Woohoo! My husband is the 5th hottest man alive!!)
6... all those other guys out there.
Yup. That's what the internet gets for letting me post thoughts that occur on Fridays after a crazy work week. So - who do you think are the 5 hottest people alive?