All made with PS Elements.
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Tutorial 1 - Kristin Kreuk
Take your base. And sharpen it once.
Add a new fill layer. (#FCE6BD). Set it to Overlay, opacity 10%.
Add a new fill layer. (#2C2002) Set it to soft light, opacity 100%.
Add a new fill layer. (#BC0200) Set it to soft light, opacity 100%. Then erase where you don't want it. In this case I erase everything but her lips.
And you're done.
Other Examples:
Tutorial 2 - Lana Promo
Take your base. And sharpen it once.
Add a new fill layer. (#FCE6BD). Set it to Overlay, opacity 10%.
Add a new fill layer. (#591BB6). Set it to Soft Light, opacity 100%. Now erase where your subject is. And you're done.
For a little darker blue you can leave out the second step.
Other examples:
Kristin bases credited to
punkette4vab I'd love to see what you come up with.