
Jul 08, 2004 01:21

So, you need to know how to credit me for my graphics, huh? Well, here you go, then!

Icons: Credit either chatterboxgirl or graphical_di in your keywords.

This means to basically put my name in the icon keywords.

Example: Example Icon// By graphical_di

Bases: Credit chatterboxgirl or graphical_di when posting icons made using my bases.

Just include when you post an icon that was made from my base that you got the base from me.

Example: I made this icon using a base from graphical_di

Screencaps: Credit chatterboxgirl or graphical_di when you are posting anything that used one of the screencaps.

Basically, say that you got the pictures from me in your post, ok?

Example: I just made -insert type of graphic here- using screencaps from graphical_di.

Friends Only Banners: Credit graphical_di when you use this banner.

After you put up the banner, say right below it that you got it from me.

Example: Friends Only banner made by graphical_di

And there you go!
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