Nov 07, 2005 11:37
1. Icons must be 100x100, and no bigger than 40k.
2. You may use any Faerie you would like.
3. You may use gradients, text, text brushes, textures, and blends
4. You may animate any part of the icon.
5. You may enter only 2 icons. You of course can enter one if you don't want to do two.
6. You may enter animated or static icons.
7. Icons need to be in by this Sunday the 13th. Midnight Pacific Time.
8. Voting will start on Monday the 14th. It will stop the following Sunday the 20th. Midnight Pacific Time.
9. All comments will be screened so no one can see eachothers icons. :)
You guys are doing an awesome job with the icons you have made for the previous contests.
It has been a great turn-out with each contest.
I can't wait to see your creativity with this contest.
Happy Icon Making!!
Your Maintainer