Title: Keepin Up Appearances (Ch. 4) Author: Isabelle Rating; NC-17 Genre: AU/AUish Summary: Jack and Ennis meet in 1980 when their wives are friends...
Yay! I had been thinking about this story and missing it, and here it is! :) Oh, Ennis, walking away like that. Jack's gonna be really mad now I think. I was hoping they would be in the cabin this chapter, but Ennis wouldn't be Ennis if he didn't have tons of issues to resolve, so his cancelling makes perfect sense. Thanks so much for the update! This is really a wonderful story! Camilla
Thanks for the update! Interesting take on Ennis' childhood trauma. I really look forward to seeing where this story takes Ennis and Jack's relationship.
Comments 28
I'm glad you're back and continuing with this story. Thanks.
that is some explosive scene in the barn... and great backstory about Ennis' childhood experience.
well, Cassie and Lureen are still going away... they can still spend the weekend together... fishing or not... :P
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