I finished my second moodtheme! *proud* I was going to make one just of Emilie de Ravin, but then there were just so many pics of her and Maggie Grace being BFFs just screaming to be used so I decided to make it a joint one.
Initially I didn't want to include their characters in this, but that proved to be impossible so there are some characters they've played in there, but I've tried to keep it to a minimum.
I hope you like it! =)
Actresses - Emilie de Ravin & Maggie Grace
- okay
- relaxed
- happy
- thirsty
1. Download the file containing all the moodtheme icons
here 2. Upload all your pictures to a hosting site, like Photobucket or something similar. Don’t change any of the moodnames! And so you don't have to spend ages uploading every single mood anymore, Photobucket has a new great feature called
Flock. Basically it's a webbrowser that makes you upload more images at once and it saves you from the trouble of dragging and dropping. Make sure you chose 'do not resize photos' when you upload though! Or you can do it the old fashioned way..
3. Go to the LiveJournal
Admin Console. Enter in the textbox: "moodtheme_create emiliemaggie emiliemaggie". Click ‘execute’
4. Copy down the number it gives you when moodtheme is created
5. Open the adminconsolecodes.txt file, which is included in the zip file. For every '123456', change it to the number you got when you created the moodtheme.
Also, change all '
http://www.hosting.com/mood.png' to the place where you uploaded your files.
So you don’t have to copy and paste it 133 times (literally!), you can use the ‘replace’ function in Notepad.
6. Copy the codes into the Admin Console and click ‘execute’.
7. Go to your
Modify journal page and choose the 'emiliemaggie' theme at the bottom of your moodtheme list.
And there you have it, a brand new moodtheme! =)
Please please please credit
agurkis in your userinfo if you use this.
I spent a lot of time on it and stealing is not cool.
And please comment here if you take, I like to know who’s taking. And even if you don't take it's very much appreciated, feedback = love =)
And last but not least, don't change any of the mood icons!