In one of my many work-improvement interviews, I got a sort of chatty psychological type , only without That Doctor Voice. She gave me a personality test, and I came out as ENFP, which is not what I normally get online. She also said I should be a teacher or a careers bod like her, but it seems a bit draining to me at the moment. I want to be the thing, not the thing around the thing, just for a while. I don't think it's really about My Ideal Job, just that most of my current friends are users and I'm tired of helping people.
She was good at explaining how a bookish geek could be classified 'extrovert' (something to do with not thinking before I speak but broadcasting every thought and feeling as soon as I have them. Hem). She wants me to go on a course about interaction and confidence etc etc, only it involves a literacy course too. Nooo! How will I ever pass another literacy course? For the sake of the holy lord Fuck.
And now a traditional English poem to mark the season.
First of May! First of May!
Outdoor fucking starts today!
But as always it do rain.
So we fucks off back inside again.