(no subject)

Aug 21, 2002 09:41

Geez. I feel like I can't just sit back and not say anything anymore. For the past three days non-stop the top story and picture (front page above the fold) has been this urban training of the Jihad with horrific chemical warfare testing on innocent poodles (of course with a pic) and videos that you can watch of the training which are of course not recommended for children (yet you have to pay $9.95 subscription every month to actually see them). Anyone out there see "Wag the Dog?" I can't help but think that there is a Hollywood stage set up from where deep in the deserted hills, helping Osama shoot this stuff. Choosing what to focus on, it seems to be the kidnapping of young children throughout the first world as well as the training of the terrorists, choc full of frightening photographs that aim a gun at your face, like the one above. Can you say, "scare tactics" people? All the while, we are about to go to w-a-r again with Iraq ANY SECOND. Why doesn't someone just push the apocalyptic nuclear button and get it over with already. I didn't mean that last sentence, I just had to get it out. We are walking on a tightrope, yes we are. All the while us humanistic rats a re running through the maze faster than ever, trying to get ours.>>>>>
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