Sep 01, 2006 18:56
oi vei... alright hey! its me... it like 7 and i still have a headache.. did you catch the still part? yeah... ever since i woke up.. forget that.. ever since i was sleeping... frig.. haha james... fully rely IN God... haha riiight... oh yeah.. so for those of you that dont know.. i have a boyfriend... his name is James... he's the most amazing person... last night he told me "how damn pretty" i was... i love it... im in serious like right now... its a little early to say love... but its close... anyyhow... yeah... hes amazing at piano and singing and guitar... saweetness... but yeah... and then im going back to school... oh wait... that brought this whole blog down... haha 'blurb'
um.. im going back to high school to appease my parents and grandparents... its like "you need to go back and get all of the courses that they have so you can get whatever job you want" thanks guys, but for now, i think i'll just go back for a semester... yep
anyhow.. for right now i think i really need to throw up or something.. so maybe sitting here in fron t of the computer isnt the best idea... but anyhow... for those like 3 people that will be reading this (3 if im lucky) i miss you guys... i know i havent kept in touch, but i wanna change that... lemme know whats going on with you!
ttfn nd God bless