Mar 20, 2005 16:18
march break is over. reality is tomorrow.
and i dun wan to face it. im so sick and tired of people saying one thing to your face and assoon as your not around, its nasty words. i dun even know who to trust ne more. i have no trust. no faith in anything.
im tired of being the onli one to try. im tired of giving a fuck what people think of me. im tired of being fat an ugly. im tired of being stuipid. I JUSS DUN GIVE A FUCK NE MORE. i thought i knew everythin bouh my friends, i thought i knew wah i beilived in. buh i dun. i duno anythin,i dun wan be here ne more. i dun wan be anywhere. i wan leave. im so tired of being me. because i duno who i am ne more.