It's good to be back at my Inn. Am a bit worse for wear after my recent unexpected trip back east. But I really had to go, when I received word from my cousin that a family member had taken seriously ill. And had ask for me to come.
Also received word that a relative that I hadn't seen in years has left me something, but the attorney handling the matter was somewhat vague about it. Said was a contesting of the will, so that things are up in the air about any inheritance. I'm not much concerned about that anyway. Had other things to deal with.
It was good to be back at my old family home. Even after all these years the estate still has the same look and feel that I remember from my youth. Yet am not really feeling much like writing out what happened during my little cross country saga. Think will save that tale for another time. Though can say that I much prefer the warmer weather in California than the snowy and cold temperatures on the other side of the country this time of year. And am happy that I survived the experience with just a car accident and injured shoulder. I rang my friend Ben up to check on my injured arm. Am sure it will be okay, but is good to have a wound checked out and taken care of by someone that understands my unique needs.
Regrettably I returned to find out that the note I left for Helen explaining that I'd be away on family matters was misplaced or something. I'm terribly sorry that I worried her. If something comes up again that forces me to leave suddenly, I'll make sure to find her regardless of the hour and explain things. But she's done a great job of managing the Inn during my absence. Now that I'm back, I'll try to help reduce the pressure on her. And will try to encourage her to take a couple days off to relax and have some fun. Hopefully were be able to spend some more time together in the coming days and weeks. I've truly missed her company a great deal.
Well think I'm calling it an early night. I do hope that no new problems arise anytime soon. But with my luck, that may be a bit to much to hope for. But can worry about tomorrow when it comes. For now I'll just settle for a nice drink, and a good night's rest.