Feb 07, 2005 13:26
I just finished taking my first biology test....oh dear. Some of the questions seemed really easy, but some of them.....ehhh. I was the first one done in the big ass class of 200 but I don't really think that means much since I normally test very quickly....I'm hoping it's not a bad thing though that I was a speed fiend.
My 21st birthday is in two weeks! I'm uber psyched, mostly because I'm going to drive to Aberdeen and see my big sis. Of course, being able to check out the seedy bars in the crap town that is Aberdeen is also somewhat tantalizing.
Then two weeks after my big b-day I'm flying to D.C. to spend a week with Spencer. That will definitely rock my socks. He'll have his own car by then and his dumbass roommate will be outta there, so that will make the trip all that much better. Plus, Spencer's taking me to this haunted confederate prison/lighthouse right on the coast. Oohhh....spooky!
I still haven't found a circle of friends to chill with. Last night I went to a superbowl party in my dorm and it was pretty fun, but I was only one of two girls there. Plus, all the guys are ex-marines and they just don't shut up about that. I frankly could care less what they did to amuse themselves while shipped out for 8 months, especially when most of the time it consists of going to strip clubs. They tell me these things as if I'm going to be impressed! Speaking of trying to impress me (maybe), while at the superbowl shindig a fella I went to elementary and high school with came over and talked to me. Mid-conversation he started picking his nose! I couldn't even look at him do that so I discreetly tried to look elsewhere...and then to top it all off! He acknowledges the public nose-picking! I was cross between absolute revulsion and a fit of the giggles. This is the 2nd time this dude has talked to me, each time emphasizing that his room is 712 and I should "stop by anytime, seriously!" Yeah, I'll stop by right after I convert to Christianity. As I distinctly remember this fella used to make fun of my "ugliness" and the fact that I would never get anybody to like me. So these memories don't exactly make me want to spend time with Captain Nose Excavation.
I guess I just can't be pleased. I complain about how I don't have people to hang out with around here, yet I do actually have some people who want to talk to me, i.e. The Ex-Marines and Sergeant Nose Patrol. Maybe I'm just too picky. Ah well.
Last week was my first week at the library and boy was it easy cheesy! I do work that a trained monkey could do! But, seriously, I'm not complaining, it's awesome! I learned how to "read"! "Reading" at the library consists of going through a certain area of books and making sure they're all in order alphabetically and numerically...not too tough. I also do a lot of re-shelving and whatnot. I have a bad habit of looking at a book I'm about to shelve and think "Hey! That's interesting! I'll just flip through it really quick!" Some time later........what can I say! I love me some books!
Other than that...nothing newsy. Hope things start looking up for everybody. The last couple of posts I've read have been from depressed and teary folks, so get to work on happiness, people!
I'm off!