
Sep 13, 2011 13:25

I should update properly some time, or at least try to make it two parts real update to one part event update ^_^;
In life... majorly tidying house, got a 'new' 12 year old car and already having problems, may get head shaved shortly, no Peru holiday this year due to Ailsa's impending operation (fingers crossed it goes well ;_; ), and the human race is still fairly depressing.  

Should be emailing / facebooking / whatever-ing the usual suspects shortly regarding helping out, but more generally in the meantime~

Totally Cosplay- be a part of it!
The MCM Cosplay Team will be running a variety of panels, workshops, and activities over the London MCM Expo weekend. We've had some great input from attendees via our Cosplay Survey, but don't hesitate to make any further requests.

Do YOU want to share your favourite techniques, run an activity, perform, or present a panel? Step on up!

Just email cosplay@mcmexpo.net by SATURDAY 08/10/2011 with what you would like to do, including:

- Days and times you are available
- How long a session you would like
- Any equipment you will need
- Any materials or costs involved

Curious as to what people are asking for? Here's our top requests:

Making Props, Making Armour, Making Your First Costume, Using Different Materials (especially foam & plastics), Posing, Make Up, Wigs, Cosplaying on a tight budget, Games, Fashion.

Please note:
The proposal will have to be suitable for a family event. We will be unable to accept proposals which would not be covered by the event's insurance policies.
Stage time slots are either 25 minutes or 50 minutes to allow for setting up.
Workshop Table time slots are either 25 minutes, 50 minutes, 1 hour 20 minutes, or one hour 50 minutes to allow for setting up.
The MCM Cosplay Team are unable to provide payment, parking, free entry to the event or accomodation; but do encourage the blagging of free drinks from Granny Gertrude if you find him near a bar.
Workshops, panels, and activities may be recorded and photographed and used for advertising and promotional purposes.
Any equipment or materials agreed by the MCM Cosplay Team will be provided by the MCM Cosplay Team. No recompense will be made for equipment and materials unless expressly approved by the MCM Cosplay Team and accompanied by valid VAT receipts.
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