You Remind Me (Chapter 16b)

Apr 02, 2011 13:31

Title:          You Remind Me

Pairing:     Ryoda, Akame, Tanaka and a few others on the sidelines

Rating:      PG 13 ( I guess.)

Genre:       Romance ( not to sure as to what genre this fic will be in except for what I've stated)

Summary:  Ueda Tatsuya confessed to his crush Nishikido Ryo but it seems that the latter loathes him for a lot of reasons. But nothing more could surpass Ryo's hatred for Tatsuya's face. What is it with Ueda's face that made Nishikido abhor the older one? (Honestly, I'm not really good with summaries but I hope somehow I got my point through.)

CHAPTER  1  /  2  /  3  /  4  /  5  /  6  /  7  /  8  /  9 /   10  /  111213  /  1415

(Chapter 16a)

“So you’re saying that Nishikido did that because he could have felt something for me?” Tatsuya asked ambiguity clear in his voice as he shyly glanced at Yuichi. Tatsuya’s two companions had been glancing at each other for a couple of seconds now; one was trying to read what was on the other’s mind while the other one was trying to formulate an answer fitting for the question asked, an answer that won’t give out any anticipation nor will it squash any possible future ahead.
“All I can say is that Nishikido had a lot of guts and courage to be able to beat up guys larger than him or to even defend you in the first place. Tat-chan, Nishikido’s the only one who knew about the true reason behind his action. Whatever reason was it, I’m glad he did that. I’m glad he prevented those guys from doing any harm on you.” Nakamaru conveyed with such liberation as a contented smile creep his lips.

“I see.” Ueda said in an unhappy tune, his fast becoming more crestfallen than before. “I better go apologize to him about my sudden flaring-up.” He continued, straightening his body in the process while looking at his companions shortly after giving out a soft sigh.

“Tat-chan….”Kame called out to his friend. He knew the elder one had been trying to contain the emotions he felt and he sure knew how it felt containing different emotions even if they were overflowing within you.

“I’ll be fine guys! True enough, I felt like I could go down with this saddened emotions I’m feeling now but life needs to go on. And someday I know I’ll be able to find someone who’ll return the love that I’m offering. When everything is right, I know I’ll find the right person for me just like you found yours.” Ueda claimed while forcibly showing a grin to the others. Acceptance could be seen in the burning flame in his eyes and somehow this made his friends feel a little settled deep within.

Ueda moved away from the place where he had been standing. He started walking out of the kitchen as he was being followed by a lethargic Kazuya and Yuichi, who were still glancing at his direction in a weird kind of manner.

Tanaka, Akanishi and the still lounging NIshikido looked at the direction of the kitchen entrance when they heard footsteps walking towards the living room. The three guys eyed the three persons who just left the kitchen area. Each one was looking unusual at each other, feeling the tension that was in the air as they wished that this problem that was happening would be settled once and for all for the goodness of the persons involved.

Koki’s glance settled on Nakamaru, looking at the other with a gaze full of confusion and shock. Nakamaru’s appearance was no different from him. The older guy looked worn-out but at the same time still energized to fight for something which the gangster-looking man assumed to be related to the matters of the heart, the problem surrounding Nishikido and Ueda. Nakamaru worried incessantly about Ueda’s situation and if the former only knew what he just learned tonight, will his boyfriend worry even more? His boyfriend just met the gaze that he provided while giving out a small nod as he flashed out an enlightened, sincere smile at him. It seemed like he was not the only one whose mind was made clear to tonight. Nakamaru’s smile, that one smile Tanaka always loves to see, was enough to calm his unsettled mind and heart.

Akanishi glanced at his younger lover worriedly knowing for a fact that his turtle would fuss endlessly about what almost happened to Tatsuya tonight. He gave out a frown to the latter as he continued eyeing the younger one who by now was still observing Ueda’s actions and change of expression. He was also worried for Ueda, after all Tat-chan was his friend too. But he knew worrying won’t really help the situation that Tatsuya and his doukon best friend, Ryo, were in for until Ryo settled everything that needs to be settled, everything would still remain suspended in midair; Tat-chan vulnerably hanging on to his love while Ryo strongly disregarding the things that have been biting his behind for a long time now.

“Nishikido, thank you for helping me out tonight. I’m really grateful that you were there before things started turning to worst.” Tatsuya expressed as he looked directly at the said man’s eyes, seriousness visible in his stare. Ryo just look back at the other when he saw looking at his direction.

When he saw Kamenashi, Nakamaru and Ueda enter the living room; his eyes directly followed the copper haired man’s figure as he saw him trying to gather confidence - or whatever that was he was gathering, before the elder started speaking to him. His gaze lingered for a short period of time on the copper haired man’s face before his mind started functioning as he digested the words he heard while looking at a possible snappy retort to the other’s statement.

“You should have said that earlier instead of heartlessly snapping at me for no good reason!” The short man replied, resentment trailing his every word.

“And I’m really sorry for acting that way too. I guess my mind was still clouded with confusion, disbelief and a tiny mixture of fear that when you started talking with that poison tongue of yours I instantly snapped. I’m really sorry for that.” The elder man uttered still gazing at the Osakan’s orbs. Again, silence lingered in the room for a couple of minutes as Tatsuya was continually staring at Nishikido’s eyes, waiting for the other’s retort to what he just said while Akanishi and Kamenashi were eyeing their best friends curiously. Nakamaru and Tanaka were also eyeing the main pair inside the room feeling all too tense as to what could happen afterwards. The atmosphere’s silence was disturbed when a faint buzzing was heard from within making a said copper haired man place his hand inside the pocket of his jeans as he got his still vibrating cellphone.

Ueda glanced at the screen of the small device as the name of the caller flashed before him. He showed a very questioning look afterwards pressing the tiny answer button.

“Moshi moshi…” Ueda said in an uncertain way making the other men in the room look at his direction with confusion too.

“Uepi, I’m down stairs. Can you let me in?” Taguchi, the caller on the other line, asked his tone a little sober than his usual frenzied pitch.

“Downstairs? Where exactly?” Ueda asked, a little taken aback as to what the other man on the line was saying.

“In your apartment, duh! Where else would you think I’ll be at this time of the night?” Taguchi asked sarcasm could be heard from his voice.

“Why are you there?” The elder man asked in a hushed tone as he swiveled his body away from the group within the room.

“We need to talk.” Junnosuke declared inevitability was visible in his tone.

“Is something wrong Junno?” This time, Ueda asked worriedly in a very low tone as worry etched his face.

“Why are you whispering Uepi? Who’s with you at home?” Junno inquired with such strong force that the man on the other line distanced the said communicating device away from his ear.

“Don’t shout ok!” Tatsuya replied also in the same tough tone but still in a low vopice. “I’m not at home. I’m at a friend’s house.” The said elder guy stated his whereabouts as his eyes passed by the curious glances of the people surrounding him.

“At 12 midnight! What are you doing there?” The tall man interrogated his friend with a booming accent.

Ueda flinched again as he heard Taguchi shout on the other line. “I said don’t freakin’ shout! My hearing is perfectly fine! I can hear you very clearly!” He retorted back this time in a thunderous roaring. The said man immediately glanced at his companions. He saw them looked at him in a more probing manner, urging him to tell them who he was talking too.

“Ok! Ok! You don’t need to shout too. I was whispering because you started whispering too! Sheesh!” Junnosuke whined as Ueda could clearly imagine the pout he was making. “I’ll wait for you here in your apartment then.” He chirped in a voice that sounded quizzical more than it being a declaration.

“Yes. Ano..Can you give me a heads-up on what this is all about?” Tatsuya inquired, his heart was starting to beat in a frantic state as he clutched his cell phone tightly. He knew his childhood friend won’t call him in the middle of the night just to set up a meeting with him discussing about the latter’s favorite topics namely puns and games. Taguchi could be a pain sometimes - more of like everytime he opened his mouth and totally melancholic dajare spilled like overflowing water, freely gushing at different directions - but he never went to the extent of actually troubling someone. That all too smiling man was way better than that!

“Uepi…Your brother talked to me after dinner and he…. asked if the two of you could meet-up. I immediately refused his request but he persistently implored he almost looked like he was begging me to convince you to accept his request…or if not, at least I was able to rely the message to you.” The man on the other line uttered in a defeated tone.

“Tatsuya? Are you still there?” The tall man asked his older pal on the other line when he did not hear any sounds coming from the latter’s side.

“Yes, I’m still here. Just wait for me inside the building. I don’t want you getting sick because you foolishly waited for me outside.” Tatsuya expressed in a jovial tone, a resounding tinkle of giggle was heard in between his statements.

“Yup, I will! Just make it faster ok! I don’t want to scare the people living in this residence. They might think that I’m some psychotic murderer lurking in the shadows at night waiting for the right time to strike at my chosen victim.” Taguchi replied in a gleeful tone as he teased the other man.

Tatsuya let out an audible chuckle as he listened to his friend’s nonsensical ranting. Taguchi has a really unique way of making him smile at times when he felt like his heart would almost stop beating. He was so thankful that he had a friend like Taguchi. He liked the guy even if a lot of people find him annoying. For him Taguchi is a man you can’t have - more of like shouldn’t have - without for you’ll be missing a lot in life.

Ueda’s mood totally changed after he put his cell phone back in his pocket. He was more gleeful now compared to the time he entered the apartment and the time he talked with Yuichi and Kamenashi. A smile that reached his eyes was displayed on his face giving emphasis on his beautiful features.

When Tatsuya looked at Kamenashi and Yuichi’s direction, he flashed them a true and sincere smile making the two recipient of the said grin to look at him with inquisitive gaze. The copper colored hair guy gave out an even bigger smile when he saw the questioning stare his friends were giving him. Afterwards, he shifted his attention and looked at the direction of Tanaka and Jin, who was now standing beside where Koki was sitting.

“I need to go.” Ueda said to AKanishi and Koki, his head bowing a little. He also looked at Nakamaru and Kamenashi’s way as he reiterate his goodbye to the two. Lastly, he bid his farewell to Nishikido, whose staring he had noticed since he entered the living room, as he again said his thank you to the latter.

“Tatsuya, will you be meeting someone?” Kame inquired, discerning his friend with such questionable stare as he inched nearer the latter, his look becoming more dubious as he took a step closer to the said older guy.

“Yes.” The elder guy candidly answered straight to the point and without even flinching, his big grin still plastered on his beautiful angelic face.

“At twelve midnight? Who will you be meeting at this time of the night and where will the two of you exactly meet?” Kazuya interrogated the latter like shooting bullets to a pinned-up target, unstoppable questions of who, what and where were directed at him.

Tatsuya can’t help but smile after hearing Kame worry about him. He knew worrying his friends were not right but he noticed that the things that his younger friend asked were the same questions that his childhood chum asked him awhile ago. He sure was very blessed to have not only one but a couple of true friends, worrying about him unceasingly and loving and accepting him for who he was. His smile widen upon this realization making the awaiting Kazuya, who wanted to hear an answer to his question, glare at him earnestly.

“Co-worker of mine wanted to get the thing I borrowed from him. He was so remorseful for disturbing me at such ungodly hour but he really sounded so destitute I can’t help but help him.” Ueda explained his case while glancing at the fretting look of Kazuya and Yuichi at the same time sensing Jin and Koki’s intent discerning of his statement.

“What did you borrow that he can’t wait to have it at this time of the night?” Nakamaru asked, his hands now crossed across his chest as he kept on prying the latter of the truth behind the untimely appointment.

“Ahh…a …sweater. He said he needed it because he was sick and he can’t leave his house tomorrow if he can’t have his sweater.” Tat-chan expressed as he contested his friend’s look with his own cheery demeanor.

“Why did he let you borrow his sweater when he only has one in the first place?” Yuichi snapped back, this time walking to the direction where his boyfriend was situated as he sat himself on the armrest of the coach.

“I was feeling cold at that time and he was just being a gentleman when he offered his sweater to me. I had it with me for a couple of months now so it’s just right for me to return it to him when he needed it the most. Don’t worry guys, it won’t take us that ….” Ueda was cut off from his assurance when Yuichi asked him another question.

“Where are you going to meet?” He asked in a commanding tone still with that unfaltering look he was giving Ueda.

“At my apartment Yuu. He’s already downstairs at my apartment that’s why I need to go now. It’s really not good to make him wait there. People might call the police because of a suspicious man lingering in the hallway at this time of the night. And I sure don’t want to find him in a cell when we meet.” Tatsuya explained, his voice sounding reasonable and assuring as he glanced at his younger pal, Kamenashi, after giving out his account to Nakamaru.

“Kame, I’ll walk Tat-chan home. It’s really not safe for him to walk at this time of the night and after what happened tonight I’m still feeling a little hesitant just letting him go all by himself.” Akanishi voiced-out his opinion surprising all the occupants in the room that even the talked about person was taken aback of what he heard. Kazuya replied with a nod as an agreement to what his lover had said as unspoken message were relayed just by them looking at each other’s eyes.

“No Akanishi. You really don’t need to do that! I don’t want to trouble you guys anymore! I’ve caused enough plights for tonight and letting you take me home is way too much. I can always take a taxi so it’s ok. Besides, my apartment is not that far from here so I’ll be fine.” Ueda expressed firmly, persistently demanding of going home alone.

“You’ll be causing trouble again if some guy tried doing something on you while you’re on your way home. Just let us soothe the worry that we felt after knowing what almost happened to you in the club Tat-chan. Please just let Akanishi take you home. Sorry to bother you about this Jin but please do take him home.” Nakamaru requested to the standing man beside him, totally disregarding the disinclined look of Ueda.

“Even if you won’t ask Maru, I’ll willingly do it.” Akanishi said flashing out a certain smile to the sour looking Nakamaru. Jin went near to where his younger lover was standing as he kissed the latter on the cheek while whispering something on Kamenashi’s ear after such sweet act. The people in the room can’t seem to make out what Jin was saying so they just let the two be as they focused their gazed on the dejected looking Tatsuya.

“I’ll be joining Tat-chan and Jin.” Kazuya declared as he stepped closer to his elder friend, Jin trailing behind him. The younger Kamenashi just gave out a determined look at the defiant Ueda as he started his way towards the doorframe.

“We’ll be going now.” Kame bid to the group while waving his hand in goodbye.” Jin will be taking me home after we made sure that Tat-chan is safely tucked in his apartment. See you guys tomorrow! And oh, Nishikido, thank you so much for helping Tat-chan out tonight. Nakamaru and I are so thankful of what you did!” He expressed in a happy but serious tone, eyes glinting with sincerity of gratitude.

Ueda didn’t have a choice as he followed the love birds, Kamenashi and Akanishi, as they exited the apartment at the same time nodding his head to the others before his figure totally faded from his friend’s view.

~~~~ ## ~~~~ ## ~~~~  ## ~~~~ ## ~~~~

Yamapi was so damned tired. His body ached, his shoulders stiff, he was having a head splitting headache, his eyes were drooping low because of sleepiness and he was literally dragging his steps through the pavement of a familiar block he was passing by on his way through the apartment he shared with his best friends Akanishi and Nishikido. He sighed when the faces of his friends flashed in his mind.

“I’m pretty sure they’re already having a very good sleep now; dreaming of beautiful dreams.” Yamapi voiced out exactly to no one in particular for the place where he was at was totally void of any living being. He scratched his head as he gazed ahead at the cemented road he was walking to afterwards giving out another sigh. “Why couldn’t you give me a break sometimes?” He uttered in a louder voice as he looked up at the sky, the sound vibrated in the empty street, bouncing at the all too lifeless walls of buildings and houses.

Another sigh was heard in the cold air of the night. Later on a “tsk” and a shoe scratching the pavement followed the all too depressing sigh. “I just wanted a beautiful love life to match this boring and totally lifeless college existence of mine! Akanishi has one and for crying out loud Ryo’s love life seems to be looking all to gleam compared to mine. Why can’t I have one too?” Yamashita pleaded to the heavens above, hands raised up high and looking all to dumb with what he was doing. He slumped his shoulders when he knew that whining in an empty street would not be beneficial for him - albeit people might think that he was some lunatic who got loose from a mental institution - and more, it won’t even improve the predicament he was in.

He continued the thing he was doing before, prior to his idiotic mumblings as he dragged his all too heavy feet to the comfort of his room. He was about to go turn into a corner when he heard the turning of a doorknob. He was not a snoop to begin with but being in a pitiful situation - he really believed he was in to one - curiosity got the better out of him as he tried to search for the door that would soon be opening. A few seconds after a person who utterly looked familiar to him came out from a certain medium sized wooden door. A certain tall man was also following him behind. He observed the two’s behavior. The shorter guy, the guy who came out first, seemed to be in a depressed mood as the taller guy caressed his back. The said taller guy’s expression was no different or if it was, the guy was a little chipper compared to the other one.

Those two guys before him just did that for a couple of seconds, standing in front of the apartment’s main door, one consoling the other while the other man receiving the comfort being given to him. Then Yamashita’s mind immediately turned red, veins slowly popping on his head and neck.

“Why is it that everyone is all too lovey-dovey in front of me when I don’t have my own!” He complained rolling his eyes in the process. He tightly clenched his fist, hissed a sound which was scarier compared to a snake, face turning a hue redder as he gave out a soft curse. He then reverted his gaze back at the two men, whom he assumed to be a couple, before him and he saw the shorter one being pulled into a tight hug by the towering guy with him.

Suddenly, a clicked sound echoed in Tomohisa’s mind as something started to clear from within. He zoomed in on the shorter guy’s features. The guy really looked all too familiar to him. He then transferred his probing stare at the taller man. The said guy was also familiar to him too. And just like some scientist who just got the realization of a lifetime, he knew where he saw those two. No, he actually knew who those two were.

“Ueda and Taguchi? What the?” Yamapi was too shock to even digest the information that he just learned. His attention was now fully focused on the only men with him in this vacant street. He saw Taguchi waved his hand as he walked away leaving a saddened Ueda looking at the departing façade before him.

“Ryo-chan, you really need to put your acts together if you don’t want your Hime to be snatched away from your hands.” Yamashita said as he continued glancing at the direction of the glum looking elder man.

A/N: Minna-sama, o-genki desu ka???Ohisashiburi ne!!!^______^ I really hope you are all doing well. What happened in Japan was very tragic and I know that they are trying their very best to make the difficulties they are facing bearable, trying their all to overcome it everyday. Japan will make it through. Not only Japan but all countries who are experiencing hardships! We will all make it through! We will because we are not alone! We have each other; our family, friends, loved ones, God and even our pets....^______^  *totally went wayward with the last noun*
As always, attached in this update is my sincere apology for not releasing this sooner.Hontou ni gomenasai Minna-sama!!!*bows deeply*

Comments are the fuel to my burning desire to write additional chapters for this fic. Hope you'll add the more fuel for my heart. It seems to be diminishing this past few weeks! Really needed it badly, like totally!!!*begs*

Love you all!!!And Peace!!! ^^Y

length: multi-chapter, genre:romance, p: akame, p:ryoda, p: tanaka

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