Title: You Remind Me
Pairing: Ryoda, Akame, Tanaka and a few others on the sidelines
Rating: PG 13 ( I guess.)
Genre: Romance ( not to sure as to what genre this fic will be in except for what I've stated)
Summary: Ueda Tatsuya confessed to his crush Nishikido Ryo but it seems that the latter loathes him for a lot of
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Comments 16
The best part of that announcement was that Akame will now stop formulating crazy ideas on how to try and get them together. Hooray wonderful idea! He can’t think of anything more remarkable than that kind of declaration but again why was Ueda concealing the truth?
NO...don't horray to that....Akame...continue get them together.. ^^
thanks for reading and commenting!!!
You are still naive........
You are obviously in love with Tat-chan!!!!
Thant person who looped an arm around Ryo was Leah right????
i have to find out the next chapter.........
Thank you for posting this
and I'm off to read the next
Hungry?!Get some food then ^^ don't make u're stomach empty coz' it invite sickness later on. Do U want that happen? No right?! ^_^ So eat, find any healthy food ok >_<
Thank U 4 updated nice chap =)
yes i should be eating when i feel hungry!!!u're ryt!!!
one shouldn't be sick in times like this!!thanks for reminding me that!!!
thank you very much for reading, commenting and for your concern!!!^____^
why put a paper box in your plan lol
thanks for reading and commenting!!!!
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