Nao x Shin - Summer love - oneshot

Sep 10, 2011 11:32

Title: Summer love
Chapter: oneshot
Pairing: Nao x Shin (Kagrra, / PLAYERS)
Genre: fluff
Rating: G
Warning: none.
Summary: It was heat, kimchi and Nao in front of Shin one random summer day.
Notes: It's been a while since I last wrote a Kagrra, fic, so here's one. My writing is kinda rusty now but whattheheck. Happy birthday, Shinpei! And dedicated to angelicoma too, for her birthday!


A scorching thirty degrees outside of Tokyo made Shin realize he never had enough tolerance for summer.  Though he was mostly hidden from the sun (as he was mostly in an studio), he couldn't help but feel the heat seeping through the holes of the place, making the air stuffy and the AC not doing it's best enough.

And he was known to be strict with mediocracy, after all.

If it wasn't hot enough, a man made of sunshine comes barging in the studio, all the while yelling his name from the outside to his side.

It was Nao with a pack of kimchi in his hands, rambling away how he made it the most awesome of all kimchi pieces he was able to make in the past and how he is determined to make Shin eat every cabbage of his creation and how it can make him healthy and have more power for more musical compositions and that he was going out with some friends later so he wouldn't be able to come home later.

To all this, Shin simply stared at the other man with a blank expression. Not that he was great with expressions to begin with, but he just was not in the best mood to make any--more so a delighted one for Nao's uber concern and sweet, toothache-inducing "rabu rabu"--expression at the moment.

And to which Nao broke a sweat observing this.

Long ago the bassist has come to realize, through years of friendship, camaraderie, physical pain and pleasures, and a legitimate, intimate relationship, that an annoyed Shin was different from an annoyed Akiya, Izumi or Isshi. It was more of a soccer ball threatened to be kicked powerfully and flying towards your face.

"Shinpei, uhm, haha-"

And before Nao was able to say more to explain (and save himself), the smaller man was already latched onto his body, head burried on his neck mumbling something about heat, getting spoiled and Nao's imminent death.

Though with a confused mind and furrowed brows, Nao took it as a chance to cuddle; and fuck the heat, it was always nice to cuddle.

The next day, Shinpei found himself on a plane to Hokkaido, a giggling Nao and another set of his lover's kimchi.

The plane's AC was better than the studio and he was expecting a colder atmosphere when it lands. He would be holding hands with Nao outdoors and no bead of sweat would break out and his nerves would be intact.

And to this image, Shin had to smile.
After all, summer was not always hot, it could be nicely warm inside-out, too.

Author's Note:
So I've never been to Hokkaido so I'm not sure how's the temperature in that area, but I suppose it's not as humid and hot compared to the city's weather. And though it's autumn already, summer and this idea just fits better.


nao x shin, kagrra, oneshot

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