*kitty claws* RAAAAHHHHRRRR!

Dec 03, 2007 19:25

I really, really do not care what Hollywood does/thinks/enjoys/dislikes. However, when a photo of Jennifer Love Hewitt loaded on the sign-out screen from my Yahoo-mail, saying something to the effect of "actress looking fat in her bikini," I thought, okay, I'll bite. I have never by any stretch of the imagination thought of this woman as fat, overweight, rotund, portly, chubby, plump or lard-assed. So, I clicked.

GAWD!!! Let the snarkfest begin. "Jennifer Love Hewitt photographed looking less than svelte." Are the bitchy bashers who say such things high? Are they smoking their breakfast cereal instead of eating it? I look at this woman, and the personal trainer in me says, "Yes! A healthy, comfortable woman! You go, girl!"

Those who are comfortable being so critical of others are obviously incredibly uncomfortable with examining their own issues surrounding food, fitness, and sense of self. They've obviously bought into the media-induced prevarication that self abuse, starvation, eating disorders, and obsession about a number on a scale make people beautiful and worthy.

And to the moron at thesuperficial.com, cake may not fight cancer, but it IS part of a balanced, healthy diet, ingested by balanced, healthy people with better things to do with their time than sneer at women who would likely NEVER seek to find their, as you put it, "cure for cancer" at the end of your sex organ.
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