(no subject)

Jan 14, 2008 11:51

It's officially been a while. Not sure how much of it is literally too busy, and how much of it is a newfound sense of 'privacy'.

Anyway, when last we left our faithful adventurer, he was boasting of his shiny new car and raise. We'll start there. The car is still a car. Way less exciting now that A: I'm paying for it, and B: It's too cold to put the top down. I'm hoping it warms up soon, because I'd like to do more driving with it down, and now that we're past the solstice, I'm more and more capable of cycling in to work every day. Boss man says I can even get a locker here to store my soap and stuff. (It's a refinery, so there's lockers and showers and whatnot for the operators.) I'd like to make biking in my default commute. In theory, it goes through some bad parts of town. In reality, it's pretty much a tour of the bad parts of town. Doesn't bug me too much though, since they aren't THAT bad. Crime is pretty bad in Houston, but for the most part, it's imported New Orleans crime.

Work is going well. We got sold again, so there's an integration project that has effectively cancelled the previous integration project. I think that Lyondell was trying to beef up it's size compared to Basell, which was the reason for the rush. Now that the merger has happened, it's less of a priority. (And all the people that thought it was seem to all be gone now.)

So there's that.

I have a girlfriend now. I'll save the singing of the praises, it's just the kind of a major life development I feel like I should be mentioning here. We've been dating for just under 2 months now. She has pneumonia atm, which it looks like I gave her. She still likes me, which I consider to be a good sign.

I went to the doctor for the first time in 13 years. I got antibiotics. They got me over the worst of it. (Mine never developed into full on pneumonia, but it did knock me down for 2 weeks.)

I want my life back, something fierce. While I appreciate the chance to feed my CoDIV addiction (just cycled through into the second prestige level), I miss having the energy to do things... you know... things...
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