There is much to speak of. I have another LJ account, started 'cause I lost the password to this one, continued as a place to organize my crochet projects. It's
stinanthemum and if you ever get curious about what I'm crocheting, want to add it to your friends list anyway, or just know someone who's interested, feel free to skip on over. It'll be an open journal, anyone can read it. I'll post pictures, patterns, and talk abotu current projects.
Visited mi Paulita this Fri/Sat. up at Hanging Rock State Park. They were cabin camping, my husband and I popped in after he got off work Friday (arrived around 8:30/8:45) and we hung out, played a game, chit-chatted, etc.
Next day, Matthew and I woke up before Paula and her sis, so we took a short trail and came back when they were getting up. Then the 5 of us (Paula's dad was there too) took a nice trail up one part of the mountain to a BEAUTIFUL view I only wish I had my camera for. We sat on the edges of the rocks and admired Gods wonderful creation, talking about a few random things and wishing we had the wings to jump off the rock and soar. We saw many amazing things, including 3 eagles only 8 feet above us in a dead tree eating something. I saw one land and all three of them take off once they had finished. I was in awe.
Came down from the mountain and went inside for lunch and right when we finished eating it began to storm. Popped in Amazing Grace and watched it (I took a break and ran through the rain for a bit) before we decided to take a canoe out on the lake. That got cut short due to thunder, but the 20 minutes we were out there was wonderful. Paula and I rowed, Matthew was voted to sit in the middle.
Went back to the cabin, ate dinner and talked until time to go. Matthew and I left around 8:45. They lock the gate at 9 and we had to get home that night.
It reminds me of how much I miss my dear friends and love them so much. I wish all of them well, even those of you who read this. ^_~
Next Friday we're taking off in the morning to go to Cincinnati, OH. My mother is awaiting our visit, and as it's been about 6 months since I've seen her, I look forward to the visit as well. I talk to her on the phone every week, usually twice a week though this summer it's been a little more sporatic. I miss having her right across town, though even when she lived there I didn't visit often. It was the fact I could that made it nice.
This summer I have been obsessing with crochet. I joined
crochetville, a wonderful online forum that has kept me busy. They have the Crochet Olympic Games that will run during the normal Olympic games. It's my time to start and finish a project I would not otherwise get to for another year (probably).
Yet through my summer break, though I have enjoyed it greatly I am very ready to go back to school. I am in need to a hectic schedule once more. I loved resting, I needed it greatly, don't get me wrong. I just can't wait to get back to teaching, the career God called me to do in a field I love. The kids aren't that bad either, for middle school hormonal demons. ^_~ Naw, I loved my last bunch of kids and am looking forward to my next group.
And that's about all I can think of for now. There are small problems I've been working/praying through in my life, but after a nice 2 hour discussion with Matthew I'm looking forward to improvements.