Jun 23, 2008 23:07
My fucking foot is killing me again. Why, you ask? Because that damn doctor had to cut it open again and this time bigger. I have a hole the size of a dime in the bottom of my foot. I just can't understand why if she cut it out the first time, it freaking grew back. Just when you thought it was safe to wear sandals again!!! Grrr.
In other news, I started the new job yesterday and worked today as well. Despite having information overload, I think it's going well. Heehee...already took advantage of the employee discount and picked up Season 2 of Charmed yesterday, Cliff having bought me Season 1 a couple of months ago as a surprise. I also love the fact we get 50% off in the cafe. I got a multi-grain bagel and some juice this morning for my 15 minute break as I was starving and paid less than $2 total. Sweeeeeeeet.
I was deliriously happy at being able to leave my former job last week. I am not sure if it's sunken in yet that I will NEVER have to go back there. I think it's sinking in little by little. But I have to give credit...they threw a goodbye lunch for me with pizza, salad and a really gorgeous cake. It was so pretty I took a picture with my camera phone and have it saved as my wallpaper.
Cliff is staying with me for a few days and playing "house-husband." Other than some hitches the other night, he's really good at it. He's really the perfect Himbo...happily does whatever I ask him and is always willing and able to serve. I got home today and I got a foot rub and then had lunch made for me. The only downside is that sometimes he is a little too adoring. As I said to him not long ago in an IM, "you're like an adoring puppy that keeps bouncing along after its owner, nose up their butt." He laughed, but agreed it was an accurate description. Occasionally I just have to shove him away and tell him "Leave me aaaalooooone for a while, will you?" He's getting better at not smothering me though.
Tired. Time for bed.