Star Wars computer maintenance

Jun 02, 2005 02:28

Even those of us that are "good" at computer-y-things sometimes just want to seek out the root cause of the problem...

and unleash our anger.

It's hard to trust your emotions when they just say "kill anything that beeps". :)

So we had another "random beep from under the (main - designation "1st of .. uh .. 6"?) computer table" at home today.

We sorta thought it was one of the brand-new kinda-expensive UPSes we got the other day to power the behemoth that is our main file-server (now at 6.5TB or so (which is roughly 48 times the capacity of the one at work)).

It wasn't.

It was the ancient one that has been under there since Jesus was still on God's "To-Do" list.

And, true to form, it was powering ... nothing much.

I have long kept putting off cleaning up the tentacle-mess under the table; now, I think I know why: I fear finding a *whole freakin' computer*, if not a long lost... roommate... or ... a puppy or something ... under there. [Note: In the interest of any children reading this post, the part of "the assured nest of deadly freakin' black-widows" will be played by "a puppy or something"].

"Run!!!! It's .... a puppy or something!"

Rock on San Francisco, Rock on Chicago. 2000 Flushes: Almost a flush a year since Jesus was born!

PS. Do you think they'll start advertising: "New!!!! Now with five free *BONUS FLUSHES*!!!" ?
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