Apr 06, 2005 00:34
You know how they say humans react badly to "fingernails-on-chalkboard" sound because we're descended (to varying degrees) from monkeys and the like?
Well, the validity of that theory notwithstanding, the brilliant 'engineers' that designed the aforementioned $650 computer part decided it was a "good" idea to make that sound their default "something is wrong, help me!" sound.
This, in itself, is fine. It gets your attention. Hoo-boy, does it get your attention.
H_o_w_e_v_e_r.... they didn't make it very easy to TURN OFF. You can disable it for a few seconds, but then it comes right back. This is a sound that is *not* conducive to rational thought, unless said thoughts include "If I pour Diet Coke into the fan grille, will it shut the HELL up?"
(from internet-research memories, I'd say, yes, but not in a spectacular-enough-to-justify-the-cost fashion.)
So, get this. To actually *disable* the accursed thing, they embedded a super-secret cheat-code.
Alt+F10+A, Alt-A, select "Alarm Disable"
Which, they helpfully suggest you *never, ever* use.
Kinda makes me wonder if presidents and ministers have a similar hidden menu.
Rock on Topeka, Rock on Chicago! Fill her to the rim ... with Brim.