Daddy's Girl

May 14, 2008 10:03

Title: Daddy's Girl
Team: Order of the Phoenix
Characters: Severus/Hermione
Challenge: Caught! Challenge
Word Count: 100 x 5
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: They’re not mine, they’re J.K. Rowling’s. Alas.
Notes: A rather fluffy thing for septentrion1970 on her birthday, inspired by her recent drabble, "Miss Bubbles." Have a lovely day, Septentrion!

Hermione had been determined to excel at motherhood.

So it was that she'd spent her pregnancy researching, devising foolproof systems of organisation and drilling herself in the skills of the trade. She'd trained until she could change a nappy with two flicks of a wand whilst simultaneously prepping a bottle and Summoning lost binkies.

She'd been a mother-commando, ready for anything.

Yet Margot had proved strangely unmoved by Hermione's maternal prowess, rewarding her mother's efforts with unending screeching at the slightest upset.

Meanwhile, she giggled and cooed and trilled whenever Severus deigned to pick her up.

It wasn't bloody fair.

It was unexpected, but it was also true: Severus was good at handling babies.

"How do you do it?" she demanded.

Severus smirked, sipping his tea. "Wouldn't you like to know."

Hermione silently seethed.

"You can't stand not being the best at something, can you?" he added.

"That's not true." But hadn't she done everything perfectly, precisely by the book? Wasn't Severus supposed to be the one who struggled with parenting skills?

"You're jealous!" Severus marvelled.

She glared. "Don't be ridiculous."

She wasn't jealous of Severus. She wasn't. She was just… curious as to his methods of success.

Intensely curious.

Severus refused to reveal the secret of his success, leaving her no recourse but the obvious: spying.

It was his own fault, really, for hoarding useful information.

The next time he carried their fussy daughter off, Hermione waited and then followed-slowly, carefully, her footsteps muffled by magic.

She watched as Severus juggled Margot's squirming, screaming form in his arms, feeling a mean flicker of satisfaction that he wasn't immediately successful, either.

Yet as she watched, an amazing, unprecedented thing happened-a thing she would never have expected of most men, much less her stoic husband.

It took her breath away.

Severus was singing to Margot.

Hermione could barely make out half the words, yet it still made her shiver. She'd never heard Severus sing before. She'd never known that he could.

This was, she recognised, a rare privilege.

His voice rose and fell in a soothing rhythm as he held his daughter close, rocking her in time. The effect was immediate; Margot quieted, offering her father a toothless smile and gazing up at him with an adoration that he clearly returned.

The sight was so captivating that Hermione didn't realise she'd been caught looking until Severus' gaze locked with hers.

"I suppose you'll want to take my song now," he sniffed.

Hermione stared at Severus, his arms cradling Margot in an unmistakably possessive way. In his eyes she saw tenderness, determination… and fear?

Fear that she might steal this special thing that was only his, she realised.

Hermione sighed, resigned. "It's all yours."

He stared. "But it works…"

"For you, yes. I'm tone-deaf," Hermione lied. "You sing it better than I ever could."

"Oh." Severus' air of anxiety was replaced by satisfied pride. "It does sound rather good, doesn't it?"

She smiled at father and daughter. "I've never heard better."

bluestocking79, caught! challenge

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