Mar 26, 2008 13:19

Title: Betrayal
Team Name: Spy for the Death Eaters
Word Count: 1 x 100
Rating: PG-13, a bit naughty
Challenge: "Hermione's Bad Day"
Characters: Hermione, Severus , Ron, Harry
A/N: all JKR except my ideas

Among the post arriving on her desk is a large envelope, hand addressed to “H. Granger, Permanent Secretary to the Minister of Magic, Strictly Confidential”. It is from Severus Snape.

Opening it, she pulls out 4 or 5 photos and a note. She scans the note briefly, then wards her office door securely and spreads out the photos on the desk. Concern turns to fury.

5 minutes later the howler arrives on Ron’s desk.

“You can shag Harry until your dick falls off for all I care, but next time make sure it’s in your OWN sodding underwear, not mine!”

hermione's bad day challenge, bigjobhagmissy

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