Title: Picture Perfect (Part 2 of 12)
Team Name: Spy for the DE's
Word Count: 100 (x2)
Rating: PG
Challenge: Back from the Dead
Characters: Hermione, Severus
Authors Notes: Found the muse, if for a short while.
Part 1
She backed up against the wall, his hand loosening its grip and falling to his side. He seemed to tower over her, despite there being only a foot’s difference in their height.
“Well?” He purred.
Hermione’s heart hammered against her ribcage. He was pale, his black hair was hanging down in front of his face - he was smirking.
He couldn’t have been a ghost, the hand that had touched her shoulder was too solid, too warm. This couldn’t be happening, Merlin, she must be dreaming…
Hermione wriggled away from him and fled the room.
“That was a disappointing reaction.”
Snape stepped out into the hallway, taking a moment to observe his surroundings. These walls were incredibly familiar. They were just as he had last seen them, decades ago.
He found Hermione crumpled to the floor beside a statue of armor. She held her face in her hands and her shoulders were shaking.
“Good grief, woman, are you sniveling?”
She shot him an angry look through red-rimmed eyes, her face burning, before turning away again.
He knelt beside her, rocking on his heels. Her shaking lessened, and after a moment, she bravely looked up at him again, eyes puffy.