Title: Losing Your Place
Challenge: Bookmark challenge
Team: The Order
Words: 100
Rating: PG
Characters: Hermione, Severus, Ron
We buried Snape yesterday-seven witnesses, but no real mourners, though it’s creepy how much Harry is now making of the git.
“What’s that,” Ron asks, encircling me with his arms, and I squeeze back.
“Nothing,” I whisper.
Except Lily’s picture, tucked between pages of the formulas for Amortentia and the Draught of Living Death, serving as a bookmark in Snape’s journal. Going through his things, seeing all the ways we were alike, really, has disturbed me-and now this reminder he could love. A bookmark helps you keep your place-it shouldn’t dislocate you, so suddenly you can’t breathe.
Because of a nefarious deal with
bambu345, there is a sequel,