Title: Enchanted
Team Name: Spy for the Order
Word Count: 4x100
Rating: G
Challenge: Bookmark challenge
Characters: Hermione, Severus
A/N: Post-DH (epilogue ignored). Parts 1-4 can be found
here, parts 5-8
here, parts 9-12
here, parts 13-16
here, and parts 7-20
hereHermione was listening avidly, almost wishing she had a notebook and a quill - or a
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Comments 24
Chocolate's always good though!
Wishful thinking, I know, if you're as tired as I am. Lovely set, very intriguing.
On the other hand, watching bunnies multiply might be cute... but then it leads me to wonder why I'd consider bunny porn cute. Hmm.
And thanks!
The question is, if it was targeted at Lily, why did it work on Hermione? I'm still going with the idea that it is keyed to the character and attitude (towards Severus, of course) of the person.
And how did it transport him as well as her? Or was he already in the forest and it just transported her to where he was?
‘For luring unsuspecting young maidens into the Forbidden Forest? Just who do you take me for, Miss Granger?’
Excellent Severus line!
I do half-wish I could get to the point quicker, but I'm letting the story dictate the pace for me for the time being, so I'm not too unhappy with it. Especially as I do think it's been moving on a bit with every new set.
You are asking all the right questions. ;-) Don't want to answer just yet though! :-D
The guessing game is part of the fun!
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