Title: Haunted
Team Name: Spy for the Order
Word Count: 3x100
Rating: G
Challenge: Haunted House challenge
Characters: Hermione, Severus
A/N: Post-DH.
‘I’d thank you to avoid using that tone of voice with me, Professor. I’m not a schoolgirl any more. In fact, unless I’m mistaken, and I don’t think I am, I am older than you were when you-’
‘When I died. Thank you for reminding me.’
The guilt Hermione had felt, once the euphoria of winning the battle had vanished, returned.
‘We did come back here, you know. Afterwards. To see if there was anything we could do. But it was too late.’
‘It would always have been too late, Miss Granger. Or should I say Mrs Weasley, now?’
* * *
‘It’s Granger again, actually.’
He didn’t say anything, but drifted slightly upwards on the stairs.
Hermione was suddenly worried that he would disappear, leaving her little wiser than she was upon her arrival.
‘Professor… Why are you here?’
He sighed and gestured for her to enter the room upstairs.
‘I don’t know why I should tell you anything. But if you are anything like the girl I remember, you will not leave me in peace until you've had your answers.’
He entered the room behind her, his translucent robes billowing magnificently, as if he had spent years practicing the movement.
* * *
He was silent for a few minutes. Hermione kept her eyes on him, clutching her wand with both hands, suppressing the urge to fidget or bite her lip. She did not like the way Snape, even as a ghost, effortlessly managed to make her feel small and insignificant again.
Finally, his voice - sounding a little rusty from years of disuse, now that Hermione was able to pay attention to the nuances of it - broke the silence.
‘I don’t really know. I suppose I had… unfinished business. I didn’t know if Potter would succeed. And I did not want to-’
Parts 1-3 can be found
here and parts 4-6
here. On to
parts 10-12.