The New World Order

Oct 15, 2007 02:50

Title: The New World Order

Team: Death Eaters, naturally…

Rating: Erm… PG-13

Challenge: Not What it Looks Like

Characters: Severus, Hermione, Harry

Word Count: 100

Author’s Notes: Dark!Fic. I know I should be working on my exchange fic, and I was, but this popped into my head and I had to get it down before I lost it. Enjoy.

I register his shocked expression as we enter the room side-by-side.

He’d thought him dead ─ killed by Voldemort’s serpentine familiar.

Poor Harry ─ so innocent, so gullible, so… naïve.

He panics. “Hermio─”

“Shhhh,” I hush.

He’d turned out to be a useful pawn, a gifted one, at that.

We raise our wands in unison at the fabled Boy-Who-Lived.

Pity we must kill him. But there is no place for a soul like his in the new World Order. Our Order ─ mine, and the dark man beside me’s ─ my love, my Severus ─ the new Dark Lord.

“Avada Kedavra.”

not what it looks like challenge, acciobook7

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