The Raid

Oct 14, 2007 19:57

Title: The Raid
Team Name: Death Eaters
Word Count: 4*100
Rating: PG
Challenge: caught by Filch and the last one
Characters: Hermione, Severus, Filch and Mrs. Norris
Author's Notes: Thanks to dacian_goddess for betaing.


“Yes, my sweet. This is the last time we visit this corridor. Tomorrow morning, we will leave this castle forever. We both deserve to retire in our cottage.”

Mrs. Norris mewled her assent.

At that moment, Argus Filch heard a noise coming from the dark corridor before him and his cat. It was the kitchen door being closed. Two voices chuckled and two pairs of feet shuffled along the corridor, toward the ageing caretaker.

“Who’s there?” Filch called, raising his hand to cast some light into the shadows with his lantern. He could make out two forms, male and female.


“A pity I won’t be there to supervise your detention,” Filch sneered. “Stealing food like vulgar thieves! Headmaster Snape might have let me use the thumbscrews for my last detention.”

The two offenders had stopped dead in their tracks, their arms laden with food. Filch advanced on them, but froze when he saw who he’d “caught”.

“A pity, indeed,” Severus Snape drawled. At his side, Professor Hermione Granger smirked.

“Headmaster? I didn’t… I’m sorry…”

“Enough. I don’t need to spend the night hearing your excuses. Go!” Severus ordered him. Filch left without further ado, his skeletal cat in his trail.


Filch had barely turned round the corner than Hermione burst out laughing, dislodging some of the chocolate cake that topped the food lying in the cradle of her arms.

“Did… you… seeeee… his… face?” she managed to say between bouts of laughing.

Severus’s lips twitched violently. “I did. I believe he will remember his last patrol at Hogwarts for a long time.”

They both started to walk and climb the stairs leading to their rooms above Severus’s office, not bothering to be quiet this time. The castle’s portraits watched with benevolence the couple who had celebrated their twentieth anniversary today.


As soon as they arrived at their flat, they put the food down on the table: pudding, chocolate mousse, lemon pie…

“Thank you for this wonderful evening, Severus,” Hermione said. “It was one of our best anniversaries. All this sneaking around, trying to avoid Filch, had made me feel young again.”

I certainly hope so, Severus thought. I didn’t ensure for us to be caught by Filch for nothing.

He grabbed Hermione’s waist with one hand and a bowl of custard cream with the other and led her to their bedroom. “Come, my dear. Our celebration is far from over.”

one last challenge, caught! challenge, septentrion1970

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