Title: Emergence: 31 December, 1997
Team Name: Apparently, a Death Eater...
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Challenge: Compulsion, Runaway
Disclaimer: I am making no profit. Nor am I claiming creation or ownership of anything Harry Potter related. All of it is J. K. Rowling's.
Ron Weasley overheard the Auror in charge of his training speaking to a woman, and addressing her as Hermione Granger. Then, Ron heard Hermione's distinct voice retort, "I told you -"
Hermione's admonishment was cut off by Ron's horrified exclamation, "Hermione?" After the Final Battle, they tallied the dead, tended the injured, and searched for the missing. Amoung those missing was the girl Ron loved: Hermione Granger. Ron now saw a witch of about a hundred, standing beside an equally aged Severus Snape.
"Yes, Ron, it's really me. But, my name is Hermione Snape now," the witch said, in Hermione's voice.
Before another word could be said, Kingsley Shacklebolt strode imperiously into the room. He wore his authority with casual confidence. No one questioned the commands he issued in his even tones. "Everyone in this room is to report to St Mungo's, except," he paused to observe Severus and Hermione, after a brief appraisal, he forged ahead with his assumption, "the Snapes. Go directly to the Unidentified Contagion Department, room three. Remain there, until I come for you personally."
No one moved.
"Now!" Kingsley commanded.
When the room was empty; except for the Snapes, Kingsley closed and warded the door securely.
Kingsley Shacklebolt looked at Severus and Hermione Snape, and shook his head in wonder. "I know that your age is noncommunicable. I needed to contain everyone who knows that you've returned. We'll have to decide if they need to have their memories modified."
Severus's silky baritone was unchanged by his apparent age. "What do you know about us?" he asked.
"I was told to watch for you to return from an unexplained disappearance. I was told that you might be older than you should be. If those things happened, I was ordered to compel you to take this Portkey immediately."
Severus and Hermione landed in front of an unusual little home. It was made out of a warm grey stone, as were the solid walls surrounding it's yard.
Kingsley had given them their wands when the Portkey activated. They immediately tried to escape. Apparition was impossible. There was no aperture evident in the walls. They cast every revealing spell known between them, to no avail. When Severus tried to magically blast their way out, he was met with spectacular failure.
The temperature began dropping as daylight waned.
They knew they would have to try to go in the suspicious house.
Severus touched the wrought iron of the door's latch. Wards dropped, and the door swung silently open. Severus drew Hermione behind him as they crossed the threshold. They stopped just inside the door. Candles lit, and a fire flared to life in a large hearth. They held their wands at the ready. All they could see was a comfortably appointed, and welcoming circular, room. There were several doors leading off it which they assumed opened into turret rooms. They could sense no apparent danger, however, they knew that meant little.
"Finally, you've come inside."
The Snapes turned toward the voice.