Title: Moments of Transition (45 - 50)
Team Name: Death Eaters
Word Count: 100 x 6
Rating: All ages
Challenge: Babylon 5
Characters: Hermione/Severus
Warning: Character death
Authors Notes: Thanks as always to t_geyer for finding my mistakes and doing the comma thing, encouragement, opinions and all the rest but most of all, for her biggest achievement, putting up with me for so very long. The characters will never be mine, but JKR hasn't sued me for playing with them (so far).
Parts 1-10 can be found
here, 11-20
here, 21-30
here, 31-40
here, 41-44
here. 'Moments of Transition' follows on from
Unforgivable and takes place before
Thorns Amongst the Blooms.
Follow the Fake Cut...