Dark Roast: An Ending Scene

Jun 17, 2007 13:05

Title: Dark Roast: An Ending Scene
Team: The Order, dahling
Challenge: Compulsions
Rating: PG
Word Count: 9 x 100
A/N: This challenge initially inspired me to do a flashback memory of my Dark Roast!Severus, but it ended up being a bit more. This isn't really an epilogue; it's more of a final scene, in drabble format, of course. It is here having just been written - no beta, no one else's thoughts have been added. Tell me what you think - I'm eager to hear. :)

Severus wrapped his hand around a steaming cup of dark roast. Hermione had been kind enough to brew much more than was necessary this morning. She knew he’d need it, although she certainly needed it as well. Today was their wedding day, after all.

Severus thought back to that day, that day in Remus and Tonks’ home when Hermione had finally confronted him and brought all that foolish beating around the bush to a halt. It was, admittedly, his foolish meanderings that had kept them apart for so long, but no matter. They were together now.


They’d commenced research on finding the healing and preventative potions for the Cruciatus immediately. Hermione had been working on the project for weeks, but given her weakened emotional and physical state, her quality had slipped. With him at her side, she’d been back in all her former glory. Not that she needed him, Severus thought wryly, but he had certainly lifted her spirits.

Within two months, the work had been finished. Hermione’s findings had been published, and she had insisted on giving him half credit for the final product. He had fought her tooth and nail, as he failed to see how his two months of work equaled her months and years of preparation. In their largest blow-up, she had acquiesced to his wishes. Rather, Severus thought she’d acquiesced. His name had shown up in the research’s publication in various potions journals.

Another fight ensued, this one ending as their fights typically did. With Hermione on top, in more ways than one.


Severus was startled out of his reverie when his best man came bustling into the room.

“That smells wonderful. Mind if I have a cup?” Remus asked, already reaching for the pot of coffee.

Severus waved his hand. “Not that what I say matters. You’ll do as you please.”

“Much as yourself, old boy,” Remus said, grinning. “Excited?”

Severus raised an eyebrow. “It’s all for her, you know,” he said after a moment’s pause. “I am not compelled to ceremony and the like, but for her…” he trailed off.

“It’s a small enough wedding. The Order, a few of their dates,” Remus said. “Did you know that Neville Longbottom is dating one of Allegra Rossi’s granddaughters?”

Severus chuckled. “It doesn’t surprise me.”

A peal of laughter rang out in the room above theirs. It sounded like Hermione. He smiled.


Remus left, cup of dark roast in hand, to make sure the girls were on top of things. Severus had tried to tell him that this was Hermione he was talking about - she was guaranteed to be ahead of schedule. Remus had curtly reminded him that there was also Tonks and Ginny to consider, and they would be behind schedule. Severus had tried to argue that it evened out, but Remus had been out the door before he could stop him.

It was just as well.

Compelled to ceremony, he had said. He liked that phrase. Ceremony didn’t suit him. He did not care about having a wedding, or even about having the certificate. They’d do as they damned well pleased.


Hermione, however, had a different opinion. Well, she had a different opinion then he did. She had the opinion it seemed most women shared: that weddings were necessary. That the ceremony was necessary: that they’d have a perfect wedding on a beautiful day, that he’d look splendid (he did look rather dashing, all things considered), and that she would be wearing the most beautiful dress she would ever wear in her life.

He couldn’t wait to see it. She’d kept it a secret from him, which bothered him, and had kept it successfully, which bothered him even more. Though the fact that she could out-wit him and play his own game was very attractive, and probably part of the reason he was marrying her in the first place. She did strange things to him, his Hermione.


Like compelling him to ceremony and weddings. She had been the source of nearly all the compulsions he’d ever felt in his life, mind. Save the allegiance to… well, save that dark period in his life, she had been the source of all his impulses, both gallant and stupid.

He’d left England to protect her. He’d come back to save her. He’d run from her instead of running to her. He had thrown all caution to the wind and pledged his undying love and devotion to her. His libido had garnered a new range of impulses and desires, thanks to her. He actually wanted to be cordial to Harry and Ronald, just for her. He actually wanted to call Harry and Ron by their first names. He had a newfound desire to make potions for women’s headaches and times of month more pleasant and palatable. And he’d catalogued her damned library, romance novels included, twice. Because he loved her.


And he’d been roped into this ceremony and wedding because she’d wanted it.

She’d recently expressed a desire to have children within the next few years, a desire he did not share at present, but that he was sure he’d come round to. Just for her. Hell, he’d probably be the one to ask if they could throw out the potion before she did. She had the strangest way of projecting her desires and impulses on to him. Or maybe it was because couples became more like each other after time. But it’d been barely half a year, was that really enough time to start sharing the same desires and traits?

Damn it to hell, he thought. He didn’t care. If this was what life with Hermione Granger - soon to be Snape - would be like, he’d take the desires and impulses and all that came with it.


“Five minutes, Severus,” Remus called in, again snapping Severus out of his train of thought.

Severus walked to the mirror to brush off any lint and straighten his bowtie.

“You look good, mate,” Remus said with a wink.

Severus turned around. “Kindly keep your affections to Nymphadora, Remus,” he said, only a mild trace of sarcasm in his voice. It might be his wedding day, but he wasn’t about to lay down and play the proper groom.

Remus ignored him. “The girls are ready on time, would you believe it.”

Severus smiled, his bowtie adjustment complete. “It’s Hermione. What else would you expect?”


Remus smiled. “True. We should get going. The other groomsman is waiting.”

“Is Harry on the patio?” Severus asked.

“I’m still getting used to you calling him by his first name. A woman can do strange things to a man, eh?"

Severus nodded. “That they can."

Remus held open the door for him as they walked out into the hall. “By the way, Minerva showed up with Archie Longheven on her arm.”

"It is a day for romance," Severus said, laughing heartily, hardly believing what he was saying.

Remus almost threw up. “Please don’t tell me she’s changed you that much.”

“She hasn’t. And she won’t, rest assured. We influence each other.”

“So you’ll soften a bit and her edges will sharpen?”

“I imagine so, Remus. I imagine so.”

“I can’t wait to see what your children are like.”

Severus smiled. “Two will be like me, two like her.”

Remus gaped. “Already planning, are we?”

Severus smiled as they walked onto the patio behind his Italian villa, and across to where Filius Flitwick stood, reviewing his notes at the altar.

“Like you said, Remus,” he said, smiling at Minerva as he passed by the rows of white chairs, “a woman can do strange things to a man.”


The End. :)


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